Drake Choir. One of the most influential organizations of my college career. Both Delta Sigma Pi and Drake Choir are the defining features for my college education. Yes, college is about studying, drinking coffee, studying some more, and ultimately walking across a stage for a piece of paper that declares you with a bachelor's degree, but to me, college is so much more. The friendships you establish are the first that are not directly related to being forced upon based on where you attend or who you're parents are friends with. You have the capacity to choose what you do, who you talk to, and where you go. For me, Drake Choir is my home away from home, my family, my friends, and even my significant other (shout out to Sarah Bannon). But enough with the metaphors. Music transcends people through time and I am so blessed to stand on Jordan Stage of Sheslow Auditorium three days every week and create beauty with others who share the same feelings. This post comes three days late because I was touring the mountain west with the Drake Choir. So many great experiences together forming an absolutely unforgettable memory. That is the easiest way to express how great our tour to Denver, CO precisely was. To be honest, though, no words can describe it. Whether a regional tour, or international tour (as pictured below), the Drake Choir will forever be in my heart. Each member - past, present, and future, will forever have a special place in my heart because without them, I do not feel that my college experience would be complete and therefore my life would contain a gap that would forever be empty. So cheers to you Drake Choir. You are one of the most important things in my life and I cherish every minute provided to create beauty with you.